Prince Of Persia The Forgotten Sands (Game PSP)


 Quick Story :

PSP Game Prince Of Persia The Forgotten Sands: A man who lived in the Middle East region who have intelligence, agility and honesty in the face of a thing. in this PSP Game Character or commonly called the king of the sand. Graphic of the game is quite clear and full of scenes of murder. Here you the players have to rely on agility and intelligence in solving a problem the last episode of this game story.
Sekilas Cerita :
Game PSP Prince Of Persia The Forgotten Sands : Seorang Manusia yang hidup di daerah Timur tengah yang mempunyai kecerdasan, Kelincahan serta kejujuran dalam menghadapi suatu Hal. dalam Game PSP ini Character atau biasa di sebut si raja pasir. Graphic dari Game ini cukup jernih serta penuh adegan pembunuhan. Disini kalian para pemain harus mengandalkan kelincahan dan Kecerdasan dalam memecahkan suatu masalah Episode terakhir Cerita Game ini.
Size : 680 MB
 Works with 5.50GEN-D3
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